Friday, March 27, 2009

Rock Mustache

Many of you know I have a distinct taste in music. Mostly obscure jaunts that you've never heard of. This leaves me troubled with famed rocker David Grohl. You may recall he was in the band Nirvana. I can remember as a small whisker listening to the Grunge era and beginning to love music to lull of Kurt Cobain's slurring lyrics. Dave Grohl's career continued after the tragic suicide/possible murder by Black Widow Courtney Love (I do dabble in conspiracies in my spare hours using Monti's iphone netbrowser). During Dave Grohl's career he became mainstream, and I have a general distaste for the mainstream, hence being an upscale mustache from 1920.

So this leaves me in a bind. Dave Grohl has been a staunch mustache supporter, and a great leader in the music community. However, his mainstream connection in the past 15 years is very consuming. Why listen to a band that is clearly on KROQ (shudder) & on MTV 2 during hours in which no normal human being is awake (and possibly a Hills soundtrack song, ugh!), when you could be listening to such artists as Apes n Androids, The Faint, Why?, Mr. Gnome, and other bands I revel in the fact that you've never heard of.

Dilemma! Dave Grohl you are an enigma. I will grant you mustache love. Merely for playing the drums with Sir Paul McCartney, who also wore a clever mustache in his youth, at the Grammy's. That award show is despicable. Hey - Mustache Love. A great name for a band! Just googled it, and there is no band, so it is mine. Copyright sent yesterday.

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