As a music enthusiast, I am a huge fan of the Fab Four, the Beatles. These fine musicians had 10 spectacular years of songwriting, and of course, facial hair. Their manager, Brian Epstein kept them clean cut and in suits during their early 1960 years. But the second these lads could break free and become their true counter-culture progressive selves, they grew mustaches, starting with George when he visits India in 1966. The Beatles stopped touring on August 29, 1966, in which they released St.

Pepper in 1967, in full mustaches. The mustaches are fully chronicled in this site titled the
Beatles Mustache Index.
Once the lads felt they could let their mop tops down and be free, they pretty much wore mustaches all the time. Only they spelled it "moustache" due to being British.
Ringo was the biggest mustache advocate, followed by George. Paul and John were slightly more sporadic. To be honest, I don't think they wore the mustache as finely as the other two. They lack the facial structure.
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